Barraging blows felt
Coming in from all angles
Barricades beyond imagination
Knock backs and in fact
You just feel like you can’t go on
Who is made for these dramas?
What can you do
In the face of hardship and disappointment
When nothing is going right or well
What is the point?
Your skin is thicker than you think
Able to withstand the whips and hits
That life throws at you
Your mind is stronger than you realise
Taking you to a place
Where even the most bitter things
Can be turned sweet
Your body is ready to fight
To endure and take the pressure
And keep going when you don’t want to
So don’t give up or fold away
Stand up and take life head on
As the hard times will not last forever
New opportunities will come
New glories will arise on the horizon
So be ready for that moment
Grab it with both hands
Because it will surely come