We need to open our eyes
Open our minds and hearts
To what is way out ahead
Write down your vision
And make it so clear
That it jumps out and hits you
Because that’s what is going to drive you to succeed
Without a vision there is no plan
No approach, no point
Because you don’t know where you are going
Don’t move aimlessly
Move with a purpose
And a knowledge that there is a destination you are travelling to
A vision inspires
A vision grabs attention
It brings people and teams together
And allows them to collaborate and work towards a common goal
March to the same beat
In unity and harmony
Let the vision seep through into every aspect of what you do
The strategy and how to do it can follow
But first take the time to create the vision
Set the vision, build the vision
And all those who need to see this
Can run and take things where they need to be
Allow yourself to dream and dream bug
Creating legacies that can last forever
Making a lasting impact on lives everywhere
Start with the vision
It’s the most powerful thing you have